It is essential to know how to put on sterile gloves for the sake of safety, but it’s also tough to do by yourself. The process is quite simple, and it just takes a few tries to get the hang of it. Practice makes perfect!
We’ll show you precisely what you need to know and the simplest ways to put on sterile gloves by yourself.
How should Sterile gloves fit
Gloves should be snug enough to prevent contaminants from entering but not so tight as to limit movement. If your gloves are too tight, they might tear. If they’re too loose, you could increase the risk of contamination. Additionally, the gloves should be long enough to cover the entire arm up to the elbow.
The correct procedure for putting sterile gloves
It might seem like a simple task, but there is some sterile procedure you need to follow to make sure you’re doing it correctly.
So let’s get started!
- Prepare a Clean Surface: You need to make sure that the area is clean. You don’t want any contaminants coming into contact with your gloves or sterile equipment. Use an alcohol wipe surface to clean the area or an antiseptic cleansing pad.
- Wash your Hands: Washing your hands thoroughly to ensures a sterile environment. Use either antimicrobial soap or antibacterial gel to ensure that no germs escape. It’s also required to keep your hands be above your waist after washing. This is to prevent any possible contamination from your lower body.
- Open the Package and Inspect: Make sure that they’re not expired and that there are no tears in the sterile package. Peel open the box from the corner and inspect every glove inside. If you notice any damage, do not use them. Do not touch outside the gloves. Start with one glove and peel open the inner wrap slowly.
- Put on the Gloves: Put your dominant hand into the glove first. This makes it easier to adjust and position the glove without risking contamination. Put on the gloves by pulling the elastic cuff over your hand and then placing your hands into the specially designed finger holes or slots. Where Should Hands be Kept When Wearing Sterile Gloves? it’s very important for health. Once you have your dominant hand in place, do the same with the other glove. Don’ touch the bare palm or wrist.
- Adjust and Check: The next step is to tighten them around one’s wrist, so it doesn’t come undone during use. Adjust the gloves so that they fit snugly but not too tight. The gloves should cover your entire arm up to the elbow with your fingers uncovered. Once they’re on, make sure that they’re secure enough so that you don’t accidentally tear them. To do this, give them a good tug to test the elasticity of the cuffs.
Things to avoid when using sterile gloves
Ensuring that your gloves are on correctly is essential, but avoiding specific actions can ensure you’re getting the most out of your gloves.
So here are my tips on what to avoid when using sterile surgical gloves.
- Make sure you have the correct glove size: You don’t want too tight of a glove because that can restrict circulation and cause fatigue, but if they’re too loose, then you’re exposed to increased risk by catching bacteria living on skin cells deep in your nail beds and skin folds.
- Do not vent your gloves: Don’t try to remove them by “bleeding” air out of the glove. This simply increases the risk of contamination.
- Avoid touching anything: outside of the sterile field with your gloves. You can easily contaminate them by just making contact with another surface.
- Avoid touching parts of your body: that is not sterile before you begin your procedure. Touching your face with bare hands is a big no-no. It can even contaminate the outside of the clean gloves, defeating the purpose entirely.
How to take off sterile gloves
There are a few ways to remove sterile gloves safely. You can pull them off by peeling them off like you would a banana. In order to take the gloves off using this method, use your opposite hand to pinch the glove fingers close to the palm so that it’s tight. Then pull upward.
You can also use the backside of your hand to push down against the palm to create tension. Then pull off the gloves. The critical thing to remember is to pull the glove straight off to not accidentally touch anything.
Which gloves should I remove first?
It is best to remove the nondominant hand first. Dominant hands have better dexterous movements and are more precise in their movements. Removing the right hand first reduces the risk of contamination through cross-contamination.
It is best to place them in an autoclave bag and seal them to prevent any possible contamination. This prevents bacteria from entering unused gloves or those dropped outside of the sterile field. Once again, these should not be touched with bare hands, so placing them inside a bag.
When to remove sterile gloves?
Sterile gloves shouldn’t stay on for more than four hours. Microorganisms and pathogens can grow in the build-up inside the glove and be easily spread to others when they’re removed.
Where to discard contaminated gloves?
It is best to place them in an autoclave or biohazard bag and seal them to prevent any possible contamination. This prevents bacteria from entering unused gloves or those dropped outside of the sterile field. Once again, these should not be touched with bare hands.
Final thoughts
As long as you follow the correct procedure, putting on sterile gloves isn’t too difficult.
The key is to ensure that every step is followed and that you don’t rush yourself. It’s much easier said than done! But it will be worth it when you avoid any unnecessary mistakes.
And if this happens, don’t fret! Just make sure that you dispose of them and start over.
Source: WikiHow

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